We specialize in Hintle/Genmega ATM's. but service and manage various brands. 

Genmega 1900 series

* Windows CE platform

* 8" wide TFT LCD

* Ethernet (SSL support)


* TDES compliant AP software

The 1900 series retail ATM features a modern, innovative design. Build on a platform loaded with high end features and technologies integrated to maximize transactions while providing the best customer experience. The 1900 services comes equipped with a 8” high resolution color LCD that is ready to accept your customer advertisement of branding. Communication is handled by 56k modem or integrated Ethernet (SSL) or Wireless. Network compliance is ensured with VISA/PCI/ interact certified encryption PIN device (EPP) as well as ADA requirement including voice guidance, lighted action indicators and lite keypad.

The ATM business is thriving and ATM machines continue to generate reliable, steady revenue for the merchant.